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sponsorship Opportunities

The 4-H Water Ambassadors Program would like to give a special thanks to the generous support of private sponsors that make this program possible. Donations are directed to the Texas 4-H Youth Development Foundation - a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and are tax-deductible. Funds are spent solely on expenses related to the 4-H Water Ambassadors Program.


Want to become a Sponsor? Sponsorship Levels and Terms


Signature: Prairielands Groundwater Conservation District, Brazos River Authority, Central Texas Groundwater Conservation District, High Plains Water District, Post Oak Savannah Groundwater Conservation District, Groundwater Management Area 7, Brazoria County Groundwater Conservation District, Texas Association of Clean Water Agencies,


Legacy: Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, Middle Trinity Groundwater Conservation District, Bluebonnet Groundwater Conservation District, Clearwater Underground Water Conservation District, Mid-East Texas Groundwater Conservation DistrictBrazos Valley Groundwater Conservation District, Lower Rio Grande Valley Water District Managers Association, Northern Trinity Groundwater Conservation DistrictHickory Underground Water Conservation District No. 1Glasscock Groundwater Conservation DistrictEdwards Aquifer Authority, Texas Rural Water AssociationPecan Valley Groundwater Conservation District 


AdvocateKPA Engineers, Southern Ogallala Conservation and Outreach Program, Lloyd-Gosselink Rochelle and Townsend, P.C.Hemphill County Underground Water Conservation DistrictPanola County Groundwater Conservation District, Guadalupe Blanco River AuthorityLone Star Groundwater Conservation DistrictGuadalupe County Groundwater Conservation District, Upper Trinity Groundwater Conservation District, North Plains Groundwater Conservation District


Stewardship: San Antonio River AuthorityRusk County Groundwater Conservation District, Texas Agricultural Irrigation Association, Kenedy County Groundwater Conservation DistrictUpper Guadalupe River Authority, Brush Country Groundwater Conservation DistrictTarrant Regional Water District, Kinney County Groundwater Conservation District, Trinity Glen Rose Groundwater Conservation District, Mesquite Groundwater Conservation DistrictCorpus Christi Water, Pumps of Houston, Inc., Lavaca Navidad River Authority 

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